Wednesday, April 10, 2013

First Day of 30(ish) Days of Gaming

POST NOTE: Thanks to my laziness, I've transplanted my first 30 days of Gaming post to today! Now compleat with a drawn picture, as promised!


Since I'm completely idealess, I thought I'd start doing one of those 30 day blog challenges that I started and failed a long time ago as a sign of my renewed investment in this blog. It was aptly a videogame challenge, and--loving videogames--I'm super down to give it another go. I'm also going to do the thing that caused me to fail in the first place: draw a drawing for each post!!!

(For those interested, the original challenge--to the best of my knowledge--was issued here about a year ago.)



I've been playing vidjagaems since forever, so it's sort of hard to remember, but the earliest game I can remember playing religiously is my copy of Mario Bros / Duck Hunt. Yeah, I had/have that two-in-one cartridge of awesomeness. That zapper gun, I swear. My favorite game to play with it was Gumshoe (but that's another story). Nintendo has always been on the ball with innovation. Some people seem to think that their products can be gimmicky, but I think their visionaries. They uphold their traditional values without becoming stuck in the past. They continue to revisit and reinvent simultaneously, letting fans watch their favorite characters evolve (poképun?) while somehow staying the same, a kind reminder of the best parts of growing up. Not too bad for a card-maker-gone-game-crazy company.

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